Monday, March 26, 2012

Best Phil & Teds Traveller Crib, Red

Best Phil & Teds Traveller Crib, Red

Buyer guide for Best Phil & Teds Traveller Crib, Red. The Phil & Ted Traveller is the lastest and greatest travel crib from the guys at Phil & Ted's. It's lighweight, easy to set up and it's comfortable and safe for your baby. This is the replacement to Phil & Ted's Travel Cot. ... » Learn more about Phil & Teds Traveller Crib, Red.

Review for Phil & Teds Traveller Crib, Red.We were trying to decide between the KidCo Peapod, Baby Bjorn Travel Crib and Phil and Teds Travel Crib. Our daughter is about 20 months old and not a naturally sleep-easy kid. The Peapod turned out to be a giant toy for her. She ended up crawling in and out, playing and generally doing everything but sleep. So then it was down to the more expensive Bjorn and the more afforable Phil Teds.We have and continue to fly quite a bit for travel, so in the end, we decided to go wi... ... » Read more about Best Phil & Teds Traveller Crib, Red at

Best Phil & Teds Traveller Crib, Red » Click here to check best price.

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